If you need immediate medical attention please call 911
Shannon J Scholarship, Inc is willing to grant Scholarships at any treatment center in Utah, the following list is a reference to various programs and resources. SJS is not affiliated with any treatment program and is it’s own Nonprofit entity. We can not guarantee acceptance into any treatment program, acceptance into the treatment programs is at the discretion of each individual Program/Treatment Center.

Inpatient Treatment Programs:
- Salvation Army: 801-621-3580
- Women’s Retreat House: 801-393-0344
- Volunteers of America: 801-363-9414
- Utah Addiction Centers: 801-766-2233
- The Haven: 801-533-0070
- Cold Creek: 801-593-6777
- ACT: 801-479-2250
- Steps Recovery Center: 801-465-5111
- Valley Camp (Men) 385-238-7831
- MATR: 435-462-2781
- Brighton Recovery Center: 1-844-479-7035
Outpatient Treatment Programs:
- Weber Human Services: 801-625-3700
- Davis Behavioral Health: 801-773-7060
- Women’s Recovery Center: 801-779-9228
- Men’s Recovery Center: 801-773-7060
- Action Recovery: 801-475-4673
- Cold Creek: 801-593-6777
- ACT: 801-479-2250
- Four Corners Behavior Health: 435-637-2358
- Steps Recovery Center: 801-465-5111
- Opportunity Center: 801-388-0308
Recovery Based Workout Gyms & Programs:
- Fit 2 Recover: 801-410-8988 www.fit2recover.org
Sober Living/Transitional Living:
- Cold Creek: 801-593-6777 (Men/Women)
- The Haven: 801-533-0070 (Men/Women)
- Oxford House: 801-703-5582 (Men/Women)
- Steps Recovery Center: 801-465-5111 (Men)
- Metamorphosis: 801-622-5272
- ACT: 801-479-2250
- Volunteers of America: 801-363-9400
- Next Step: 801-607-1189